Sales of Old Wooden Farmhouse, Auslikon
«Where do I begin? Selling our “Flarz” house with Walde & Partner in Uster was simply a top experience. How we were approached and consulted, the agent’s engagement and her expert planning, the efficiency in process, every step of the way was communicated and planned so not to leave anything to chance. We have gained total trust in the work W&P offered and our expectations have been met. This should not have been a total surprise because our neighbours who have worked together with this company gave us a fabulous reference, as well as, the good impression we gained from the advertisement in the Real Estate Newspaper by Walde & Partner. I do believe that it is a great compliment when the old owners and the new owners actually build a friendship during such a transition process. This is the case in our experience, the elderly couple who owned the house and the new young owners have become friends and we thank the Walde & Partner team in Uster.»